Hello my lovely readers! I am shocked at how fast April has gone by...of-course I'm looking forward to this summer but it also means that finals are less than two weeks away. Here's what I've been up to this past month!

This month has been very eventful in my Gemstone program. For starters we got put onto our teams! I am happy to say that I am Team Feat and we will be studying allergies for the next three years! To learn more please click here.
This month was also the 2018 Senior Thesis Conference. This event is when the senior teams present their research. I had the privilege of attending two senior team conferences, Team BioChip and Team Blood. The junior team posters were also shown, it's amazing to see the research that is happening in these teams!

I also had my section's poster at this event! It's my first research poster and I'm proud of what we've done. I am really enjoying the research process and all that I've learned in Gemstone thus far. I am looking forward to the next three years and I also have an exciting announcement...
Next semester I will be...
A Gemstone Section Leader for a Gemstone 100 class!!! For those who don't know what this means, I'll explain. Gemstone 100 is a class that all incoming Gemstone freshmen take, the class helps gemstone students to accumulate into the university and into the honors program. As a section leader, I will be working with a co-sl to teach a section of the class. I am really excited for this opportunity because I'll be able provide advice and help freshmen, which is something that I love doing. My position will start in the Fall.
I will also be....

The webmaster for my Gemstone team; this means that I will be helping to create the website for our team! This website will be a resource to learn about my team's research. Stay tuned!
I also attended Undergraduate Research Day for a Gemstone assignment. It was another great opportunity to learn about the research being conducted on campus! I was so proud of all the students work. This event made me even more excited to start my research process, and of course I am happy to take you all with me on my research journey!

Caribbean Student Association

CSA April was this past month and it was filled with great Caribbean events. We had Carifest, which is a showcase of our culture through dance, fashion, food, acting, and a special performance by Linky First! The executive board really put an amazing show together. As a cabinet member I helped as needed.
Divided by Water, United by Culture

I love my fellow cabinet members and those on E-board. It's really been a pleasure to be a part of this group. I am nothing without my Caribbean culture, when I moved to the United States I found it increasingly difficult to express my culture. After all I had been living in St. Maarten all my life and had suddenly become the only St. Maartener in my surroundings. Joining CSA in college has allowed me to be around my people once again! It's amazing how no matter what island you claim, Caribbean culture stays the same. I truly believe that this organization has played an important role in helping me acclimate to University and makes being away from home easier.
Huge props to everyone who has worked to make this year a success! I'm looking forward to what CSA will do in the future.
Follow CSA on twitter and instagram @UMDCSA
Countdown to France

My study abroad trip to Montpellier is less than a month away! I've been so busy with school that its hard to process that this is actually happening! I am so incredibly grateful, I have always wanted to go to France and I can't believe this dream is coming true. Thank you to all my family members who are helping to make this possible, I appreciate you all more than I can express!
I am happy to say that I received a scholarship from the study abroad office which will cover my housing costs on this trip! I share a lot of my accomplishments on this blog, but in life we all have disappointments. I applied for a scholarship for my trip, it was a highly competitive national scholarship.
Unfortunately, I didn't receive it but I hope that it helps the recipients be able to study abroad who might not have been able to otherwise. Remember that not receiving a scholarship says nothing about your worth or work ethic! That being said if you have the opportunity to apply for a scholarship always give it a shot! Trying is always better.
I will be blogging my experience on this trip and sharing more information as the time gets closer. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out!
April Birthdays!
There are so many April birthday's in my family! It was great to be able to celebrate with them. First was my mommy's birthday.

I am so grateful for the amazing woman! She is my role model, my biggest supporter, and one of the strongest women I know! I went home to help her celebrate her birthday and we can a great night of laughs, dancing, and partying as we always do!

I hope you had an amazing birthday Mom!
Next was my aunty's birthday...

I am so thankful for my wonderful Tanty! She is self-less and loving person and is an amazing role model to all her nieces and nephews. I hope you enjoyed your birthday Tanty Tamalia!
For my aunt's birthday, we went to Top Golf which was...quite the experience! It was so fun, enjoy some action shots of the family!

A few more birthday shoutouts this month... One goes out to my bestie Alaysia!

And to my Tanty Ginette, love and miss you so much!

Maryland Reads Day

This Friday was Maryland Read Day! This is a day planned by America Reads day in which elecementry school students come to the university to do reading activities with college student volunteers! I think this is an amazing initiative because reading is so important. Reading can open a child's mind to new places, things, and ideas. Reading books in my childhood let me dive into new worlds, you become one with the characters and are able to learn about other peoples lives, situations, and cultures. Reading also increases children's vocabulary and writing skills.
I am so grateful that my mom encouraged us to read as kids. I see the effect that is has. My little brother Kayden loves reading! He is always in a book, which has made him such a bright kid. He's even starting to write poems now, and they are amazing!

It's something that I really enjoy doing and I hope that I can continue to volunteer in the future. It was really great to interact with the kids! Earlier this month, we had middle schoolers visit our biology class, an event that I helped to organize. I was able to "buddy-up" with a middle schooler and talk to him about college. He was so bright! I really enjoy interacting with kids and encouraging them to do well in school.

Now the semester is only weeks away from ending. May will be filled with studying for finals and then my big trip! Stay tuned for lots of blog posts to come, from final study tips to reviewing my freshmen year in college...for now be sure to check out some of my past posts.
Thanks for reading,