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Hello March

Writer's picture: Kyeisha LaurenceKyeisha Laurence

Hello my lovely readers....well it is March 2021 already. I don't know about you but it feels very strange knowing that last March was the month our lives turned upside down and that we've spent an entire year in a pandemic. It feels like as I grow older, time goes by faster and faster...but anyways today it a rainy day and although I have a long to-do list of things to do I wanted to take some time, sip some tea and write a blog post.

If you are a long-time subscriber to the blog, you might remember my "Montly Updates" - these were blogs at the end of each month just recapping what happened in the month and then I started sending out monthly newsletters too with some of my favorite outfits from the month. It was a cute idea and one I am thinking of bringing back. Actually, I went to go find an example of when I made one and seems like it was March 2020 when I came up with the idea...

The Struggles of Content Creating in College

I feel like this happens to me a lot with my content, I start something and it goes great and then my other responsibilities pick up and I don't stay consistent. I honestly feel like that is why when people compliment me on my blog I'm like "Who me?

There are so many ideas I have and new initiatives I want to start for my brand and I simply don't have the time, but I try not to be toooo hard on myself. The fact that I have kept this blog alive and growing since 2015 is honestly something to celebrate. I also try not to stress too much because this blog is one of my hobbies - if I start to be too strict on myself and turn it into a job then what hobbies would I have left?

I truly feel like unless you have done content creating then you don't realize that it is way harder than it looks. I honestly look up to the boss-ass women who are working or in school, content creating and being leaders! One example is my new mentor Osose....ahhh I look up to this amazing woman so much. She is a 4th year medical student, National President of SNMA, photographer and content creator - and honestly that is probably doesn't cover all that she does. For the past two months or so, I've been able to be one of her mentees and learn so much! I've also been able to connect with other creatives. It has been such a blessing!

Through learning some more tips and tricks from these women, I've come up with some new plans to keep myself consistent and to help grow my brand! But, I want to be sure I also give myself to be spontaneous and write blogs when I feel like it. Or to post when I feel like it even if it wasn't planned out beforehand.

Like everything in is all about a balance!

In February, -ish got real!

As you know, because I have put out SEVERAL blogs and videos about it, I spent all of January studying and then taking the MCAT exam. Until I took that exam, I had complete tunnel vision to the MCAT only. So I feel like 2021 really started for me in February.

I had to do some reflecting and intention settings on what I wanted to accomplish this year. Painfully waited to get my MCAT score back. I started my last semester of college and managing 20 credits. I started working on materials to be able to apply to medical school. I completed applications for gap year opportunities and had my first interview. Planning and hosting CRD events for the Spring semester.I had to plan out, film, and upload content for my brand. And I launched my first challenge and it turned out to be a huge success!

We really went from zero to 100 in February.

I think the old Kye would have been critical at the end of a month like this; thinking of everything I didn't accomplish that I wanted to be done by March. But honestly, I simply can't think like that anymore.

In the past month, I really have started to appreciate all that I have accomplished to this point - while still remaining humble of course! If you know me, you know that I am very hard on myself and I had this habit of not celebrating myself before hoping to the next thing. I'm still working on this trait but I made some huge thrives recently. One thing that made this stand out for me was all the award nominations I started receiving and also reflecting on the fact that this is my last semester of college. There is no better time to appreciate these last four years of college before they are all over.

Something I am also stressing as I end Febrauary and start March is the importance of SELF CARE! It is no lie that I have a lot going on this semester and I really didn't get any extended down time over winter break to rest before going right into a packed semester. I had my first exams this past week and the way my skin broke out, I wasn't sleeping well and just felt so down-bad. It was not a great feeling at all.

It brings us back to my point as before....balance is everything!

I finished my exam on Friday and went right to bed. Right now it is Sunday and I am on the couch, watching the rain fall slowly outside and watched a couple episodes of Netflix. And I'm not guilty - I am not guilty because I recognize that I can't wait until I reach my breaking point to stop and relax, instead I need to give myself at least one day of the week to care for myself and what my needs are.

Goals for March

In March, my goal is to keep going strong at the goals I have for myself this year! One huge task on my to-do list is to turn in my Committee Packet to my pre-health office on campus - the committee packet is basically a mini-medical school application that the pre-health advisors will use to make a committee letter that gets sent to every school I apply to!

My goal is to carve out some time every week to keep working on this, I also have all my award applications due so I legit have like 5 essays to write and my personal statement draft to finalize. With all this writing, I may have to tone down on the blogs but I do plan to try my best to keep up with content.

In March there is also Spring Break! I'm of course disappointed that I won't be having a crazy senior spring break trip...but I'll be alright. I plan to spend my break catching up on some much needed family time and doing some "adulting" tasks.

Overall, I hope March will be good for us all! I also hope that we all take the time to reflect on the effects of the pandemic. I feel very very blessed and privileged that my family and friends have been safe during this pandemic and that should not be taken lightly. I am hoping we can continue to roll out vaccinations and help protect the most vulnerable populations in our communities.

That's it for this update, I know I was a little vague with what is going on in my life, but I've learned to keep some things to myself until it is time to share. Right now, these beginning months of 2021 is a lot of the backstage work for hopefully a lot of accomplishments, projects, and events that I can share soon!

I wish you all an amazing month! Please let me know what content you would like to see and comment below what your highlight of February was!



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