Hello my lovely readers,
I'm excited to share that I am a 2021-2022 Student National Medical Association (SNMA) National Future Leadership Project (FLP) fellow! I am beyond blessed to be one of ten pre-medical students engaged in this program and am honored to be working alongside amazing pre-medical and medical students throughout the year.
What is the Student National Medical Association?
The Student National Medical Association is a student-run organization committed to supporting current and future underrepresented minority medical students, addressing the needs of underserved communities, and increasing the number of clinically excellent, culturally competent, and socially conscious physicians.
The SNMA has over 140 medical chapters and 120 premedical chapters with 10 regions nationwide.
Visit snma.org to learn more and to become a member!
What is the National Future Leadership Program?
The Future Leadership Project (FLP) is a programmatic initiative that recruits and mentors the next generation of SNMA leaders. FLP Fellows gain leadership skills by shadowing, SNMA officers, participating in national and regional programming, and obtaining a more in-depth knowledge about the inner-workings of the SNMA organization.
FLP Fellows:
Develop leadership skills and gain proficiency in project development.
Participate in periodic webinar presentations on SNMA-specific topics and leadership.
Engage in a national leadership project in a specific area of interest.
Receive mentoring from SNMA national and regional officers
Why did I decide to be an FLP fellow?
I decided to be an FLP fellow to further my skills as a leader and ultimately use these skills to serve SNMA on a national level. This initial interest sparked from my experiences serving on the executive board of my MAPS chapter where I have grown a passion for furthering the SNMA’s mission of diversifying medicine by supporting and uplifting underrepresented students. I believe that to be a great leader requires gaining experiences, mentorship, and advice from other leaders - all of which the Future Leadership Program allows me to do. I understand that I have the capacity to grow and better my leadership skills in many ways, with this realization I hope to enter the program with an eagerness to learn from others and to work on my weaknesses.
How has my experience been so far?
My FLP fellowship has been amazing so far! I have already learned so much about the SNMA as far as the history, mission, structure, and the many leadership positions within the organization. My mentors have been amazing and I love getting to know the other fellows.
Each fellow is assigned a national project to work on for the year and I have been assigned a Strategy Team! My project is to develop a strategy to externally position the SNMA to receive alternative revenue streams that translate to increasing the value of a national SNMA membership.
I am excited for the rest of this fellowship and to share how I have been able to grow as a leader because of it!