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1002 bytes dr-xr-xr-x. 10 root root 70440 Apr 3 19:26 How do I access this? A: It's a zip file and it contains an archive file (*.zip). More information: [Time-dose parameters in routine laboratory work]. The authors analyse a large amount of data, both on the dose-effect relationship in radiological exposure and the effects of toxic agents on the individual biotransformation system. Special attention is given to various metabolic and biochemical processes which modify the activity of enzymes and give rise to biochemical lesions, both in the exposed and in the non-exposed organisms. The authors suggest general principles of "physiological dose" for the protection of man in connection with the effective dose and state the dose and time-dose relationships which are presented in Tables 1 and 2. The authors emphasise the importance of the measurement of the total biologically active dose rather than of the absorbed dose, and stress the importance of "constant biological dose" which indicates the amount of dose applied per unit time. The authors wish to emphasise the importance of taking account of the duration of the drug action in the estimation of the biological consequences of drug intake. The authors consider that many of the metabolic and biochemical reactions leading to the formation of biochemical lesions are dose- and time-dependent; this is due to the extremely great variety of reactions which contribute to the organism's reaction to toxic substances. The author stressed the importance of studying the metabolism of the toxic substance, and its interaction with the xenobiotic enzyme, at different phases of exposure. The author considers that an adequate dose of the drug should be administered within a certain period of time, and that when long-term treatments are required, the total dose should be determined per kilogram of the organism's weight.Salivary pellicle bacteria on removable orthodontic appliances: a longitudinal study. Although several studies have shown that removable orthodontic appliances are sources of bacteria, no study has evaluated the microbiological status of saliva on those appliances at different stages of orthodontic treatment. This study examined the bacterial composition and antimicrobial susceptibility of isolated



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